Anyone who is already acquainted with Yves Paquet, you’ll know of the Brazil-born Belgian artist’s associations with the electronic music scene. However, recent times of self-discovery has led Yves Paquet to explore his identity as a solo artist within new sounds. Inspired by albums he heard in his father’s room The Police, Genesis, Semisonic, New Radicals, the musician has cultivated an organic sound based on a foundation of reinvented, 90s alt-pop; and thus, we have 25-28’. It’s a serene, lightly-bouncing song about your first taste of romance. As Yves Paquet shares, “I grew up in a village on the countryside, like many villages in Belgium. The song is kind of a Mrs. Robinson story about how (mostly) your first summer fling in your small home town or village isn’t the big love of your life. It's not the end of the world but at that time it feels like that.” With that story in mind, the Belgian songwriter captures the zeitgeist of youthful summers. - Hannah Thacker   [Photo credit: Zeb Coune]
